
学位授与記録 医学系研究科



学位規則 第4条第1項

氏  名
甲博(医)683号 Astri Dewayani TRAF6 Signaling Pathway in T Cells Regulates Anti-Tumor Immunity Through the Activation of Tumor Specific Th9 Cells and CTLs
甲博(医)684号 Wulan Apridita Sebastian Ankle2 deficiency-associated microcephaly and spermatogenesis defects in zebrafish are alleviated by heterozygous deletion of vrk1
甲博(医)685号 董  暁敏 A statistical evaluation of uncoupling protein 1 in the limited area of brown adipose tissue by immunoelectron microscopy
甲博(医)686号 平山 清美 Scientific misconduct in sponsored clinical trials in Japan
- Published cases are the “tip of the iceberg”
(日本の企業治験における研究不正 -公表案件は“氷山の一角”)
甲博(医)687号 尾崎 貴士 Comprehensive lipidomics of lupus-prone mice using LC-MS/MS identifies the reduction of palmitoylethanolamide that suppresses TLR9-mediated inflammation
(ループスモデルマウスの体内で低値を示すパルミトイルエタノールアミドは、Toll様受容体9を介する炎症を抑制する -液体クロマトグラフ質量分析法による網羅的解析-)

学位規則 第4条第2項

氏  名
乙博(医)378号 米津 圭佑 Role of fragmented QRS and Shanghai score system in recurrence of ventricular fibrillation in patients with early repolarization syndrome
乙博(医)379号 佐上 亮太 Utility of Endoscopic Ultrasonography Screening for Small Pancreatic Cancer and Proposal for a New Scoring System for Screening
乙博(医)380号 谷野 友美 Proposal criteria of paradoxical low-flow low-gradient aortic stenosis for predicting prognosis in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation
乙博(医)381号 内野 哲哉 Comparison of three obturator nerve block techniques for injectate spread into the obturator canal: A randomized controlled trial
乙博(医)382号 島田 祐美 Stability of amino acids, free and acyl-carnitine in stored dried blood spots