
学位授与記録 医学系研究科



学位規則 第4条第1項

氏  名
甲博(医)711号 天野 翔太 Apoptosis-related factors are relevant to progression of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
甲博(医)712号 河村 昌寛 Development of an artificial intelligence system for real-time intraoperative assessment of the Critical View of Safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
(腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術において術中にリアルタイムにCritical View of Safetyを評価する人工知能システムの開発)
甲博(医)713号 Sun Hui MicroRNA-329-3p inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and proliferation of osteosarcoma cells by targeting transcription factor 7-like 1
甲博(医)714号 渕野 貴文 Characterization of residual cancer by comparison of a pair of organoids established from a patient with ESCC before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
甲博(医)715号 吉村 健司 Detection and identification of factors in the atrium responsible for blood pressure regulation in patients with hypertension
甲博(医)716号 藪内 健一 Comparison of Brain Amyloid Deposition and Cortical Glucose Metabolism Between Clinic- and Community-Based Cohort

学位規則 第4条第2項

氏  名
乙博(医)390号 前田 美和子 Secular Trends in Obesity and Serum Lipid Values among Children in Oita City, Japan, during a 27-Year Period
乙博(医)391号 安部 真琴 Endoscopic finding of hematin represents strong gastric acidityd
乙博(医)392号 竹中 隆一 Real-time monitoring of vitamin C levels in trauma patients by electron-spin resonance spectrometry