
学位授与記録 医学系研究科



学位規則 第4条第1項

氏  名
甲博(医)704号 橋本 武博 Distribution of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus and Antiviral Antibodies in Wild and Domestic Animals in Oita Prefecture, Japan
甲博(医)705号 Catalino Santos Demetria Evaluation of a real-time mobile PCR device (PCR 1100) for the detection of the rabies gene in field samples
(リアルタイムモバイルPCR装置(PCR 1100)を用いた野外検体における狂犬病遺伝子の検出方法の評価)
甲博(医)706号 Magdeline Elizabeth Carrasco Apolinario Behavioral and neurological effects of Vrk1 deficiency in zebrafish
甲博(医)707号 Thanyakorn Chalalai TRAF6 signaling in dendritic cells plays protective role against infectious colitis by limiting C. rodentium infection through the induction of Th1 and Th17 responses
(樹状細胞のTRAF6シグナルはTh1およびTh17応答の誘導を介してC. rodentium感染を抑制し、感染性大腸炎に対する防御的役割を果たす)
甲博(医)708号 Batsaikhan Saruuljavkhlan Advantage of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing in Helicobacter pylori diagnosis
甲博(医)709号 Ricky Indra Alfaray Global Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Study of Helicobacter pylori: Comparison of Detection Tools, ARG and Efflux Pump Gene Analysis, Worldwide Epidemiological Distribution, and Information Related to the Antimicrobial Resistant Phenotype
甲博(医)710号 髙野 正幸 Empagliflozin suppresses the differentiation/maturation of human epicardial preadipocytes and improves paracrine secretome profile

学位規則 第4条第2項

氏  名
乙博(医)385号 川野 杏子 Prehospital 12-Lead Electrocardiography System in Oita Assisted Transport of “True” Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients to Optimal Institutes
乙博(医)386号 福田 智子 Vagal response is involved in the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation in patients with early repolarization syndrome