
学位授与記録 医学系研究科



学位規則 第4条第1項

氏  名
甲博(医)721号 Khangai Ayush Exploring Alternative Treatment Choices for Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Strains of Helicobacter pylori in Mongolia
甲博(医)722号 Cimuanga Mukanya Alain Synergistic effects of novel penicillin-binding protein 1A amino acid substitutions contribute to high-level amoxicillin resistance of Helicobacter pylori
(ペニシリン結合蛋白質1Aの新規アミノ酸置換の相乗効果は、Helicobacter pyloriにおける高いアモキシシリン耐性に寄与する)
甲博(医)723号 池内 真代 A pH imbalance is linked to autophagic dysregulation of inner ear hair cells in Atp6v1ba-deficient zebrafish
甲博(医)724号 宮﨑 周也 DHCR7 links cholesterol synthesis with neuronal development and axonal integrity
甲博(医)725号 Shaohong Lai Effect of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor SMG9 deficiency on premature aging in zebrafish

学位規則 第4条第2項

氏  名
乙博(医)394号 佐分利 益穂 Prognostic implications of TdT expression in acute myeloid leukemia with an intermediate-risk karyotype
乙博(医)395号 田村 弘一郎 Magnetic resonance imaging findings of high myopic strabismus with sagging eye-like symptoms, heavy eye syndrome, and non-highly myopic eyes with sagging eye syndrome
(sagging eye syndrome(サギングアイシンドローム)に似た症状を呈する強度近視性斜視とheavy eye syndromeの眼窩部MRIの特徴)
乙博(医)396号 高田 彰子 Growth speed of large brain metastases between diagnostic and radiosurgical planning MRI and predictors of rapid tumor growth